
Helping Businesses grow is one of the benefits of MABA membership

The Moroccan American Business Alliance is the best resource for networking and civic engagement. Every year, we host events and programs designed to boost your business and improve our city.

As an entrepreneurial business organization, the Moroccan American Business Alliance is the voice of business for the Orlando and the surrounding areas. Throughout its lifetime, we have striven to provide leadership and support in business in the following areas:

  1. Growth. Promoting international trade between Moroccan businesses in the Orlando area and Morocco.
  2. Promote Business. To advocate, promote and facilitate the success of Moroccan businesses in Orlando.
  3. Empower. Implementing and strengthening programs in Orlando area that assist the economic development of Moroccan firms.
  4. Business Incubator Providing technical assistance and connecting with local Moroccan business associations and entrepreneurs.

Join the Alliance and be part of diverse committees and groups from a network that makes MABA unique among business organizations. Be part of MABA and help shape the organization's policies to improve local and international business practices.

